H.E. Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid Ambassador of The Arab Republic of Egypt to Canada
Egypt is witnessing an unprecedented wave of transformation with projects and initiatives flourishing in all aspects of Egyptian life. The cultural and artistic scene is no stranger to this renaissance, with young artists appearing on the scene every year and established ones enriching the landscape with profoundly mature pieces. Contemporary Egyptian art is a very rich fabric, formed of visionary artists and superb craftsmanship, that links the depth of the heritage to the creative vibes of modern times.
It is with great pleasure that I see the richness and intricacy of our contemporary artistic scene transposed in this initiative. It is indeed a new legacy that Egypt is attempting to produce, and having this diverse array of artists present their work on papyrus epitomizes the very spirit of the new era: an artistic vision that is deeply rooted in its origins, organically weaved in the very first fabrics and materials used by ancient Egyptians whereas presenting extremely personal and vivid representations of the present.
The most important characteristic of this new legacy is that it is outward looking, reaching out to the world and embracing diversity.
I deeply believe in the power of art in creating bridges between countries and cultures, very similar in a lot of respects to the work of diplomacy. Bringing those unique pieces to the US and Canada for the public to explore a new facet of contemporary Egypt will certainly speak to the North American audience about our new Egypt. It is a timely initiative as it launches in a very special month where Egyptians all around the world celebrate their national day with joy and pride.
Ahmed Abu Zeid
Ambassador of The Arab Republic of Egypt to Canada